December 13, 2004

droppin names…

By a show of hands:
How many of you know a Heisman Trophy winner personally?

Now those with your hands up:
How many of you know the reigning Heisman Trophy winner?

And for the two guys in the back with their hands still raised:
How many of you have sat on his lap?

That’s what I thought. However, my former apartmentmate not only knows the current Heisman trophy winner, but got photographic evidence on her 21st birthday, while wearing a hat fashioned by one Miss Lauren:


I wish I could have told Leinert what I wanted for Christmas.

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  1. Wow, I bet you are so jealous right now! If you were that girl in the picture, you would never wash your ass again.

    Comment by Byron — December 13, 2004 @ 11:35 pm

  2. Damn Matt Leinart is one lucky guy, and I am not talking about the Heisman. Most of us guys can only drean about Carolyn sitting on our laps.

    Comment by Ryan K — December 15, 2004 @ 5:10 pm

  3. Carolyn had a comment here, but I accidentally deleted it while deleting a bunch of comment spam ;-(

    I hate comment spam soooooooooooo much.

    sorry for changing the past all 1984-like.

    Comment by Red/Brian — December 16, 2004 @ 9:20 am

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