July 11, 2006


From a wiki article on Zeroconf.

There are two very similar ways of figuring out which networked item has a certain name. Apple Computer’s Multicast DNS (mDNS) is in use, and is published freely, though not by a standardization body. Microsoft’s Link-local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) is little used, but is in the process of standardization by the IETF.

To paraphrase: There is a freely published NON-standard way to do something which is actually being used; there’s also a standard way of doing something, which nobody uses.

I propose that ANSI standardizes the word “standard,” many implementations of the word seem to be incompatible.

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  1. STk> (define (standardize this)
    (standardize this))
    STk> (standardize ‘standard)
    ^C*** Interrupt ***

    Comment by ug — July 16, 2006 @ 7:05 am

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