December 9, 2006

oh em gee, ponies

omg, ponies!Before I met Ben, I hadn’t considered there might exist a group of individuals who hold the stern belief that it is both right and good to judge a book by it’s cover. These cold-hearted bastards use the title “Graphic Designer” and when I offhandedly suggested they look a little deeper and evaluate the actual text in a given work they suggested that I take a long read on some well traveled rail tracks.

Given this, it shouldn’t be too surprising to find that someone would have a best o’ 2006 list for book covers. Though I don’t have the asthetic sense to second guess any choices made with regards to art, in the category of best title I’m casting my vote for “Abandon the Old in Tokyo.”

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  1. Dear heavens, that unicorn will not be on the cover of a book I want to read, and that’s no lie. However, I NEED Abandon the Old in Tokyo. That does, indeed, look and sound killer.

    Comment by Ben — December 12, 2006 @ 10:34 am

  2. bookslut, lol

    Comment by eugene — December 12, 2006 @ 8:06 pm

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