February 10, 2007

mouse trap was a great game

We recently caught a mouse in our apartment with one of those old school snap traps. The results were less than pleasant, so much so that had I planned on forfeiting the apartment to the next rodent to place a single paw in the door.

But when I when I saw a mousetrap that used an electromagnet and infrared sensors to catch a mouse without harming him AND using entirely excessive technology, I am ready to take up arms again if need be.

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  1. Yeah, but then you just have to kill the mouse yourself. Which, while it can be fun, is really not worth the effort.

    Comment by Daniel — February 12, 2007 @ 9:16 pm

  2. WRONG, I’d just drop it into my neighbor’s window.

    Comment by red — February 12, 2007 @ 9:17 pm

  3. Or, you can try d-CON’s “no view, no touch” mouse trap, which is pretty much how I like to deal with my rodents. However, it’s far less humane. Food lures the mouse into the trap where his life meets its end as the trap spins around, crushing the mouse’s bones. At the same time, the spinning locks it in so you don’t have to see any of this. Just dump the trap in the trash.

    Comment by mel — February 12, 2007 @ 9:37 pm

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