August 11, 2008


Remember when your mom would make you wash dishes before putting them in the dish washer?  Remember how backwards that sounded, remember how you just didn’t see the logic, but she made you do it anyway?

We were right!  From CONSUMER REPORT’S 50 ways to save water:

 “Don’t prerinse dishes before loading the dishwasher. You’ll save as much as 20 gallons a load, or 6,500 gallons per year. Our tests show prerinsing doesn’t improve cleaning. “

How I have dreamt of this day!


  1. Brilliant! I must show this to my mom. I never pre-rinse and she always nags me about it

    Comment by karen — December 31, 2008 @ 12:10 pm

  2. Hey, I wanted to catch up– But I might not be so smart as you– I’m an art school drop out and decided to spend my time in New York working at the Omega Institute. Now I’m back ( In Milpitas) due to many things… So I heard you were in town… I want to add you as a friend ( maybe) and catch up… if you want … Myspace me … tashabay

    Comment by Natasha Brinsko — January 11, 2009 @ 5:30 pm

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