November 11, 2003

don’t tell celebrities who they are, trust me, they already know

I was watching one of my favorite shows, “Monster Garage” on the discovery channel today when all of a sudden the USC song girls come one the show! And I KNOW ONE OF THEM. Lana, one of the many blonde chicks, used to be in the dorm next to Lauren’s. How crazy is that? I’ve had actual conversations with her, I’ve drank beverages in red cups with her in a dorm room, and there she is on one of my very favorite shows. megacoolioslammin.

In Physics today we had about the most ridiculous problem for hw I’ve ever encountered. The question was:
“At the very end of Wagner’s series of operas Ring of the Nibelung, Brunhilde takes the golden ring from the finger of the dead Siegfried and throws it into the Rhine, where it sinks to the bottom of the river. Assuming that the ring is small enough compared to the depth of the river to be treated as a point and that the Rhine is 10.0m deep where the ring goes in, what is the area largest circle at the surface of the water over which light from the ring could escape from the water.”

In case you’re confused about that problem, I’ll give you a hint. If you don’t know that it’s Siegfried that dies, the problem is unsolvable.

Later in the day, after the confusion wore off, I download the experimental version of “The Gimp,” which is kinda like a free version of photoshop for linux, and created an original piece of art where I try and represent graphically my interpretation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speach.

finally, a quote of the moment from Heather:
“I just saw annie hall for the first time last thursday. that movie RULES.”

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