Last night when I got home from work Lauren told me that there was a free concert featuring Reel Big Fish on USC’s campus. So we went…
We knew there was going to be an opening band, but I was more than surprised to discover Yellowcard rocking out to “War Away” as we were walking up. They put on an impressive show, and I was seriously wondering who the hell decided that Reel Big Fish, who hadn’t had a hit in about 6-7 years, should be headlining while Yellowcard was the opener? I wasn’t too surprised to see about a third of the crowd leaving after Yellowcard’s set.
Then Reel Big Fish came on. Absolutely, without a doubt, bar-none, the best live show I have EVER seen. Every song was spot on, the old songs cranked, and I even loved the newer ones, even though I’d really never heard them before. Plus they were absolutely hilarious. The trumpet player would point at people then put his hands together like he was going to catch a football. This resulted in a beer in his hands no less than 3 times. He didn’t drop a single one. Plus he was a black guy sporting a hat with the confederate flag on it, which was interesting.
*sigh* Whatever happened to Ska on the radio? Did Save Ferris ever release another album? Mighty Mighty Bosstones? Buck-o-nine? These are things I’m going to have to check into.