As Lauren was in town this past weekend, we went to see Sin City, which was a bit of an experience. First of all, if you’re not up for the most gruesome of the gruesome, this movie is not for you. As Jeffrey Westhoff so succintly put it, “You know you’re gone beyond run-of-the-mill movie violence when you need to use the plural for ‘castration.'”
Quite honestly, I’m kind of a wuss when it comes to violent movies, I like to think it’s because I’m too empathetic; when someone gets dumped at the junior high dance in front of all his buddies, I feel his pre-pubescent shame, so when I’m witnessing a level of gore that makes The Holocaust look like Woodstock, it becomes hard for me to stomach.
On the plus side, the cinematography and the general look of the whole movie was amazing, they even managed to make Elijah Woods scary. There was no shortage of humor, so long as you take your jokes like I take my coffee, black and bitter, with type O positive added for flavor.
Without spoiling anything, I’ve come up with a Litmus test to tell if this is your kind of movie:
“Downloading copyrighted music doesn’t give me the same warm, fuzzy feeling running over babies with a lawnmower does.”
-inspired by grub, slashdot idiot #11606
If you found the previous quote in no way offensive, and in fact humorous, Sin City is your type of film.