December 9, 2003

of course there’s a lobster in the nativity scene

I saw the movie “Love Actually” in the theatres with Lauren and liked it enough to mention to you right here, right now. This film ruled, there’s not a second I would have cut from the whole movie. It’s hilarious, though admittedly a chick flick, but it’s going down as one of those guilty pleasures in the same vein as “When Harry Met Sally”. Right now I’d say it’s one of my top 10 movies of all time and I plan on seeing it again in the theatre before the end of the year.

A friend of mine gave this movie an A-, which after seeing this movie, I consider an insult. Especially since he gave another movie an “A,” a movie in which, I’ve been told (via Eugene), Tom Cruise once again gets good acting mixed up with staring at something really hard.

P.S. The cookies I made are slammin.

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