February 11, 2004

not even one paddle

I just bought a canoe off of ebay. You can check it out here. It didn’t come with paddles or anything, but it did come with a case and a tripod, so I figure that makes up for it.

I’m probably just going to resell it on ebay for more than I bought it, so if anyone is interested in a canoe with no paddles, just let me know.


  1. nice, you’re becoming a camera junkie. That’s pretty cool…

    My own current artsy obsession is trying to make a set of handle-less, cool, round tea mugs…if I can ever turn out at least two of relatively the same size and shape that I don’t drop or punch holes in then i’ll be HAPPY to make you a spot of tea in them. As of right now, I have quite an array of neolithing looking, tiny cactus pots.

    Oh, and I saw Jesse today, with crutches. He was apparently chasing a girl up a tree and fell out to the detriment of his ankle. Silly silly..

    have a great weekend!

    Comment by Rachel — February 12, 2004 @ 3:30 pm

  2. editing: (should have previewed) that’s *neolithic
    dangit, and it was a good adjective, too

    Comment by rachel again — February 12, 2004 @ 3:31 pm

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