and how!
I am such a consumer whore. Six, Seven times a year I am drawn to movies of which I know _only_ what I’ve seen in a two minute preview. A two minute preview that prioritizes getting people to come to the theater with disregard to everything else, even revealing major plot points. Studios pull out of a pool of about 5 actors, 3 scriptwriters and 2 directors to get me to come to the theater time after time. And it works. It works like a Tank, as reliable as it is relentless
I want to see Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless mind so bad that it’s irrational. Jim Carrey finally looks like he found a part where he can be believable in his manic ways. Kaufman finally has a lead man that’s as insane as his scripts. I have to realize it’s just a movie and that even though Jim Carrey’s in it, even though it was written by Charles Kaufman (Being John Malkovich anyone?), and even though title of the movie sounds like a Sgt. Pepper era Beatles song, I need to somehow get myself grounded so that I can walk into theater without high-as-Snoop-Dogg expectations.
Oh well, I’ve decided I’m going to repent this evening by watching a smaller art house movie, perhaps Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, another Kaufman written project whose budget was so small that several famous actors (Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt) did _unpaid_ cameos. If not Confessions, that then most likely Donnie Darko, which has been on my “to see” list for so long it’s established residence there for tax reasons.
Posted by Red Scott @ 11:28 am
Comments Off on and how!
i am the queen of france!
Comment by Ben — March 12, 2004 @ 12:27 pm
hahah. I’m pretty sure anyone who’s reading this site has seen Rejected already.
My spoon is too big…
Comment by Red/Brian — March 12, 2004 @ 6:18 pm
come to the edge brian.
Comment by ug — March 13, 2004 @ 9:44 pm
I’m a bleeding anus cloud. What are you? Take the which rejected character are you? quiz on Quizilla!
Comment by lauren — March 21, 2004 @ 11:00 pm