“It’s like those monster vampire high school kind of movies, only here the monsters are Jesus-freak teenagers.”
-Michael Stipe, R.E.M. lead singer
First person to post what movie he’s referring to gets one chocolate flavor tootsie roll pop.
Posted by Red Scott @ 6:41 pm
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far and away with tom and nicole
Comment by ug — March 21, 2004 @ 1:25 am
>far and away with tom and nicole
Close, but no cigar. Wrong century, wrong part of the country, and Tom Cruise doesn’t look Irish to me. Also no high school or religous individuals involved.
Comment by Red/Brian — March 21, 2004 @ 9:58 am
They are about to cast Saved, a black comedy scripted and to be directed by Brian Dannelly about a girl who finds her pregnancy makes her an outcast at a Baptist high school.
you can google quotes BUHAHAHAH
Comment by Ryan The MEATBALL Kayrell — March 21, 2004 @ 7:27 pm
saved, featuring jena malone (one of my favorite young actresses), and mandy moore.
haven’t seen the movie, but i’ve read a lot of reviews and i think i should be offended by their portrayal of young christians, being one myself. but i know how “christians” behave sometime, and i can’t really disagree with a portrayal of them as judgmental, intolerant jerks, especially from a writer/director representing the homosexual community. however, i hope people don’t view this as an accurate portrayal of christians, because it is bigotry and sterotyping just as much as a film portraying gays as effeminate, promiscuous fairies is.
Comment by Ben — March 21, 2004 @ 7:28 pm
aww…apparently somebody beat me to it as i was typing my response. but i didn’t have to google mine.
could i have a lick of the tootsie roll pop? or just the chewy center?
Comment by Ben — March 21, 2004 @ 7:30 pm
I did hesitate in posting it as this movie is obviously mocking a certain group of people, many members of said group are very near and dear to me.
But then it occured to me that context is everything. From what I’ve seen this movie isn’t bad mouthing Christian beliefs in general, but instead against pushing your beliefs on others and judging them instead of practicing tolerance and trying to understand them. While I realize most people of faith who are reading this do not fall into this category, there is an annoying and vocal minority that does and I do not feel badly about having a few laughs at their expense. I realize this makes me a hypocrite of the “I hate bigots so much I am one” variety.
More importantly, Ben shall still receive the chocolate covered tootsie roll pop because he didn’t cheat, or at least he was smart enough not to admit it. Either way, just send me $2 for shipping and the tootsie roll pop will be on it’s way, with a signed congratulatory message from yours truly.
Comment by Red/Brian — March 21, 2004 @ 9:28 pm
religious people frighten me
spiritual people inspire me
it’s all just a system to overpower and conquer.
but we’re going to die anyways to see the real truth.
Dude- this is harsh.
can’t tell you my name!
Comment by Anonymous — March 21, 2004 @ 9:48 pm
the english patient?
Comment by ug — March 21, 2004 @ 9:54 pm
the term “christian” has become more vague than it’s original meaning back in the day. if you shave off all the built-up nuances, basically, there are 2 prerequisites in order for anyone to be called a christian. the first is one of a dogmatic nature-belief in god and immortality. second, he must have some kind of belief about christ. that christ was divine, and at the least, that he was the best and wisest of men. that said, the christian demographic should be pretty much exactly the same as the overall population in terms of integrity and standards. putting parenthesis around the title “christian” gives the implication that they aren’t the real thing and is somewhat offensive to me.
Comment by ug — March 21, 2004 @ 10:10 pm
big brains- big bellies!
Comment by Anonymous — March 21, 2004 @ 10:17 pm
Putting “quotes” around the “term” “christian” is “offensive” to “me.”
Comment by lauren — March 21, 2004 @ 10:20 pm
and yes, i agree that stereotyping is bad. stereotyping, or generalizations, are essential to the thought process and ARE done subconsciously. that’s why we have to be careful about the inappropriate generalizations all of us tend do.
Comment by ug — March 21, 2004 @ 10:22 pm
“the first is one of a dogmatic nature-belief in god and immortality. second, he must have some kind of belief about christ. that christ was divine, and at the least, that he was the best and wisest of men.”
bertrand russell “why i am not a christian”
it’s a good read, even if you’re christian. russell is somewhat in the middleground, refusing to rule out the existence of a christian god while explaining why it’s at most, improbable.
Comment by ug — March 21, 2004 @ 10:49 pm
I haven’t seen Passion, nor do I want to. I mean if you need a movie to reaffirm your faith, what does that say about your faith.
Not that we were talking about it, but I thought I’d bring it up. Peace.
Comment by Ryan (meatball to save confusion) — March 21, 2004 @ 11:37 pm