fosbury’s flop
Once in a while you get the feeling that if you were in a movie, people would be screaming at your ignorance as you sat there blissfully unaware of the opportunities dancing in front of your eyes.
Let?s review the situation as I sat in front of my computer at 1:00am Friday morning:
- My sister always invites me to see her perform at her High School Comedy Sportz shows.
- My sister had a High School Comedy Sportz show Friday night.
- I haven?t seen her perform since freshman year.
- I feel bad about 3.
- For the first time since freshman year, I had absolutely _nothing_ to do on Friday _and_ Saturday.
- Lauren had plans all day Saturday.
So, I?m a little slow, but the obvious finally occurred to me. I didn?t tell my sister I was coming up and she freaked out when I appeared there. Jumped me fosbury style.
Good times.
Posted by Red Scott @ 1:07 am
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