coping coping coping
I’m starting to hate Los Angeles and miss San Luis Obispo. Every time I get stuck in traffic at nine pm on a Saturday I’m instantly reminded of walking to the center of downtown from the dorms.
No place in Los Angeles is close enough to walk and the traffic is so bad you’ll wish you hadn’t driven.
But in the end I think it’s just a coping mechanism. I know I’m leaving and so I’m going stiff-upper-lip style and repeating “I’m better off anyway” over and over and over again until I start to believe it.
I didn’t get the weekend off to go checkout UCSD either. The days crept past me until the point where now it’s too late to ask for the weekend off. Without visiting UCSD there’s virtually no chance I’m going to end up there, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. I’m not sure what the best college would be but right now I just want to go some place familiar where everybody knows my name…
Or at least calls me Red.
Posted by Red Scott @ 6:31 pm
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you’re always welcome
Comment by rachel — May 21, 2004 @ 12:45 am