September 17, 2004

holy bandwidth batman!

On September 5th, my parents, Lauren, Kelsey, and Rachel all helped me move up into my new apartment. I promised my parents that as soon as I got everything completely settled I would post pictures of my new digs, so here it is, your own virtual tour of our new-old apartment.

The view while standing in the doorway

The view while standing in the doorway. Observe our free couch and chair, as well as the slammin’ coffee table that Melissa picked out for Joel. The laptop on the coffee table Joel got for free which we have shoe-horned Debian onto, and it basically functions as an internet terminal. Also the end table was free.

an alternate view

An alternate view of the living room. I’m really pleased with the way our furniture fits so perfectly into our living space. The love seat had been sitting in a garage for two years after being rescued from the side of the road a couple years ago by Joel. The love seat is by far the most comfortable free seating I’ve ever owned.

The music Center

Between Joel’s keyboard and my guitar, bass, and amps, we’ve got a pretty decent garage band waiting to happen.


CHOPPER 4, now with foosball capabilities. The table is also Joel’s, though he named it after a skit that I introduced him to freshman year.

pink tub

Pink shower tiles and my shampoo. Booyah.

Joel's room

Joel’s room. Take a close look at the desk and see if you can spot it again later in this post.

view of my room

What my room looks like as you walk in. Special attention should be given to the Laser printer on the ground next to my chair, The beast is 12 years old, prints at an astonishing 300dpi, and was free, free, free.

rest of my room

Recognize the desk? That’s The Hulk’s new home, as well as the used Sun 19″ (manufactured by sony) flat-screen CRT monitor that I got for a decent price. The other half of the desk I am going to use for a writing surface as apparently some classes still require the occasional meeting of pen and paper.

And that’s about it. The picture of my bed didn’t come out right, and I’m too lazy to do it over again, so you don’t get to see it. However, if the demand is high enough, I might reconsider, so get your friends together and start writing letters.

No Comments

  1. Very cool! I like it very much. You’ve done a great job!

    Comment by Karen — September 17, 2004 @ 5:09 pm

  2. Great place Bri – can I have the name of your decorator???

    Comment by Sherry — September 18, 2004 @ 7:34 pm

  3. oh, show us those shiny sheets, oh please please please! ;)

    Comment by rachel — September 18, 2004 @ 10:32 pm

  4. you’ve got three parents? lauren, kelsey, and rachel? nice place.

    Comment by ug — September 22, 2004 @ 12:47 am

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