“You’d be surprised at the rage that runs beneath these calm waters.”
“Well, i think i will always say that the democrat won because of obvious reasons, but they both did pretty well. It is always surprising and impressive to see a republican politician who is coherent.” [In reference to the Vice Presidential debate]
-Shana H.
Shana’s made of solid gold, I don’t know why I don’t talk to her more often.
Posted by Red Scott @ 11:18 pm
from powerline: “Edwards was reeling throughout this ordeal. Appropriately enough, he could be seen bobbing in and out of the picture frame. As Chris Matthews later said, it was a battle between a guy with a water pistol and a guy with a machine gun.”
unfortunately, i was unable to watch the debate myself, but most people seem to be saying it went really well for dick cheney.
Comment by Daniel/Danner — October 5, 2004 @ 11:41 pm
From the New York Times: “But as the talk turned to Halliburton or domestic policy, Mr. Cheney kept twisting his hands in what looked like a silent movie pantomime of a miser.”
From the Boston Globe: “The country doesn’t need Dick Cheney any more. After his 90 minutes on the stage last night, it is clear he is no longer an essential person in politics and government. What he brings to the table are liabilities.”
I’m just trying to point out that quotes can prove any viewpoint. I’ve read several different articles about the Vice Presidential debates and I gather they both did pretty well, though I will mention that the only poll I ran across gave Cheney a slight edge (43% to 38%, with the rest undecided) in the debates.
Edwards got the consolation prize for best hair.
Comment by Red/Brian — October 6, 2004 @ 12:04 am
Who cares? I forgot there even was a VP debate, until I read this post, and I watched the damn thing.
Will anyone be talking about how cheney or edwards did tomorrow after round 2 of bush v. kerry? I think not.
read this:
Comment by RyanK — October 7, 2004 @ 10:38 pm
something along the lines,”We’re all God’s children, Bob,” Mr. Kerry rpdsoneed. “And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a heterosexual and married, she would tell that she’s being who she was. She’s being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it’s not a choice.”Who would be screaming about that?Would anyone care if anyone was described as being married or being true to what they were born as?It seems to me like the oddity here is that the very same people who support amending the constitution and denying spousal rights to people who are gay….(and many of them because they consider that people who are gay are an ABOMINATION according to the Bible) are also feigning some mock horror about Mary Cheney having been violated.If you don’t find being gay to be shameful, why is it so taboo to talk about? If the issue is that she is the child of a candidate and shouldn’t be discussed for any reason….I can understand that. I would say that she is not the usual case as she is a high ranking part of the official campaign but i don’t really think that matters too much….I can see why her being mentioned would seem unfair. But….we usually think of mentioning relatives of candidates as unfair when they are portrayed in a negative or slanderous way which was not the case here at all….even if Kerry did not need to bring her up.If we truly want to avoid the spin here, I would venture to say that far less republicans were upset by the fact that she was mentioned than were upset that she was mentioned as being gay because they feel their may be some voter backlash against Cheney from strict religious conservatives. If that is the case, my thought would be that who would really want the vote of such small minded hate mongers anyway?
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