pimp that ride
The nice thing about driving a 12 year old Honda Civic in Newport Beach, where I stayed for Katie’s wedding this past weekend, is:
I could drive to any major shopping area and leave my car running with the keys in the ignition and both doors open and still be completely confident that it will still be there when I return. This is not just because of the alarmingly low crime rate, but because no self-respecting thief would want to be seen in Newport Beach with anything less than a Cadillac Escalade. In this town, they give cars like mine away as a free-after-rebate add-on when you buy any 12 pack of Energizer Max Plus AA batteries. It’s one of those things you give your five year old, because just like one of those inactive credit cards you get in the mail, it’s not of any use to anyone.
But I’ll keep it, thank you very much.
Posted by Red Scott @ 12:00 am
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the honda civic is the #1 stolen vehicle in LA.
Comment by u — March 7, 2005 @ 6:54 pm