me talk pretty
While playing World Of Warcraft, an online only computer game that is very popular among those in the know, I discovered a bug. Specifically, one of the quests specifies you are supposed to look for a certain character in “Warrior’s Hall” which, as it turns out, doesn’t exist. I finally found the character in “Hunter’s Hall” and dutifully submitted a bug report so that other players would not have to suffer the same indignities that I was subjected to for asking people for the location of a non-existant building.
But then I had to go and end my bug report like this:
“I got flamed many times trying to find “warrior’s” hall and it was not
enjoyable, so if you could fix this type, I’d appreciate it.”
That’s right, I mispelled typo. I’m pretty sure I’m banned from the internet at this point.
Posted by Red Scott @ 10:41 am
Comments Off on me talk pretty
that’s ok, typos happen to the best of us. during finals week last spring, my hall was out writing inspiring messages on the sidewalks around campus, using bagels that were several years old. it worked surprisingly well. my message was “D’s get Degrees”… only i accidentally left the “r” out of “Degrees”, making the statement “D’s get Degees.” I think i proved the message right, but i’m not entirely sure.
Comment by Danner — April 11, 2005 @ 10:08 pm
how about verbal typos:
Yes sir, do you have a fax machine?
Yes sir, do you have a sex machine?
My sister needs back surgery because she has an oversized disk.
My sister needs back surgery because she has an oversized dick.
People look at you funny.
Comment by ug — April 12, 2005 @ 12:23 pm