gene would be proud
My 7 year old cousin Bella had her first basketball game when I was up visiting in Sacramento. She and her younger brother Noah wanted to ride with me to the game, as their redheaded 20-something cousin is plainly cooler than their stodgy old 30-something parents. I humbly agreed.
On the way to the game I followed my Aunt Young as I had absolutely no idea where this basketball court was located. Of course, both of my younger cousins insisted that I try and beat her to the basketball court, at which point my sister asked them, “What face are you going to make when we beat Mom there?” Their response was instantaneous:
The youngest members of the Kiss army
Posted by Red Scott @ 11:59 am
Comments Off on gene would be proud
Awww they look just like we did at that age.
Comment by Kelcium — April 10, 2006 @ 5:26 pm
update to my comment: (since my roommate totally didn’t get it) Get it?! They’re freakin’ asian!
Comment by Kelcium — April 10, 2006 @ 5:28 pm
I find it very amusing that you are in any way related to someone who’s ethnicity would not be described as “pale.”
Comment by joel — April 12, 2006 @ 9:08 am